cheat in exams
I am asking you a question about cheating.I have know friends who are muslims and are cheating and I also have been cheating and helping others into cheating too.I know that it is haram but the only reason why I cheat sometimes is because my family excepts me to do very well in school and sometimes when I dont cheat I sometimes get bad scores,but not all the time I do cheat and also this is the same reason that's goes with my friends since they are scared of their family since they might be strict on him for not having bad grades, and we would like to know on how to stop our selfs from cheating and how to deal with our family if our grades are horrible since our family will make a big deal that we got a horrible grade.We sometimes try to stop ourselfs from cheating but we can't help it,please do help us in this situcation. كيف نبتعد عن ظاهرة الغش في المدرسة أثناء الامتحانات ، إننا نغش طمعاً في الحصول على درجات عالية. إن من يدفعنا لذلك هم آباؤنا ، إننا نخاف أن ن...